
SiriShortcutsdeliveraquickwaytogetthingsdonewithyourappswithjustataporbyaskingSiri.TheShortcutsappenablesyoutocreatepersonal ...,58ShortcutsforiTunes·1.Playbackshortcuts.Space.Startorstopplayingtheselectedsong·2.LibraryandPlaylist.⌘+clickthecheckboxnexttoasong·3 ...,Playmusic,videoandmore;Moveforwardsorbackwardswithinasong.Control-Alt-RightArroworLeftArrow;Listentothenextorpreviousalbuminalist...

Shortcuts on the App Store

Siri Shortcuts deliver a quick way to get things done with your apps with just a tap or by asking Siri. The Shortcuts app enables you to create personal ...

58 Shortcuts for iTunes

58 Shortcuts for iTunes · 1. Playback shortcuts. Space. Start or stop playing the selected song · 2. Library and Playlist. ⌘+click the checkbox next to a song · 3 ...

Keyboard shortcuts in iTunes on PC

Play music, video and more ; Move forwards or backwards within a song. Control-Alt-Right Arrow or Left Arrow ; Listen to the next or previous album in a list.

50. iTunes Keyboard Shortcuts

iTunes Keyboard Shortcuts ; Deselect all the songs in the list. Shift-. image with no caption. -A ; Hide or show the Artist and Album columns. image with no ...